Aakar NrityaYogsutra
Weight Loss Technique
That does not require
Any Supplements
Manage your weight and say goodbye to excess fat in your body
with the help of a unique and natural exercise routine that consists
of a fusion of Dance and Yoga that is practiced on meditative
music to keep you engaged, entertained and healthy.
Does Yoga really help with Weight Management?
Aakar NrityaYogsutra is a specialized program that will help you manage your weight. This type of exercise is a combination of Dance and Yoga, giving benefits of both. It will help fight all the diseases and problems related to your weight without even the need to pop a pill or take any extra dietary supplements (unless advised otherwise).
Benefits of Aakar NrityaYogsutra
- Helps with managing weight and weight loss
- Counter heart problems due to heavy weight
- Improves metabolism
- Gives proper shape to your body
- Brings hormones under control
- Provides flexibility and better bone strength
- Improves overall functioning of internal organs
- Increases Stamina
- No need to take any extra dietary supplements and medication
- Boosts confidence and self-esteem

How does Aakar NrityaYogsutra works?
- Aakar NrityaYogsutra is an exercise which involves both Aerobic and Anaerobic exercise to regulate your weight.
- The yogic poses help in enabling different Chakras that improves your bodily functions.
- These poses also help you get more flexible and makes your bones strong.
- The dance steps involved burn all the excess fat from your body and tighten your muscles.
- It is performed on the beat of music which is meditative and very relaxing and helps you calm your mind while also have fun doing all the poses and steps.
- Aakar NrityaYogsutra is easy to follow and requires only your dedication to steer your life in a healthy and fit direction.
We are transforming the way people do exercises.
NrityaYogsutra helps people how to be physically fit and mentally healthy so they can lead joyful life
This is what our NYS practitioner say….
I really benefited from low BP, got body tones and got into the habit of regular practice. from NYS practice Flexibility in my body has increased as well Energy also and so the confidence got boosted.

Aakar NYS, a weight management purpose and definitely helped me with the same. But more importantly it helped me with the most common problem that comes with weight gain.that is hormonal imbalance or PCOD. During the entire practice, the energy and the lightness that I felt throughout the day was amazing!

Would like to share my view over Aakar NYS batch which I had attended. NrityaYogsutra is a form of yoga which maintains your body’s physical and mental balance.I had joined Aakaar NYS batch which really helped me to reduce my weight. Why it’s different from ancient yoga or modern forms of exercises as basically Aakaar NYS is performed through classical dance movements using music therapy which soothes your body and activates your accupressure points. Various streches and posses gives our body wonderful benefits. It also makes your body and mind stress-free. Regular practice of Aakaar NYS can make one slim and trim having beautiful posture.One should surely go for Aakaar Nys and benefit the results….

Lavanya Poojary
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